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Pay Per Click Analysis & Campaign Management

Pay Per Click (PPC) Campaign Analysis

Eckinger Marketing begins by a thorough analysis of your business and creates a set of objectives and measurable site conversions. These conversions can include, newsletter opt-ins, white paper downloads, set appointments and web site sales. We’ll then analyze current traffic patterns and lead behavior on your site, sift through the relevant data, track and compare results from related businesses, and generate a breakdown of what is working correctly, and where there is room for improvement.

With the analysis completed, we can then advise you on how to create the most effective PPC Campaign. Every business is unique, and we will craft a plan that takes into account the specific needs of your business.

Pay Per Click (PPC) Campaign Creation & Bid Management

At Eckinger Marketing we are proud to announce our new ClickMiner PPC Campaign Manager. We do all the hard work to make sure your PPC Advertising delivers results – keyword generation and refinement, ad content optimization, budget recommendations, conversion optimization, A/B campaign testing, these are just a few of the techniques we utilize. ClickMiner features a unique set of algorithms designed to optimize your PPC campaign and turbocharge your search engine marketing results.

To put Eckinger Marketing’s powerful Pay Per Click Analysis and Campaign Management Services to work for your company call 1-330-456-5568 or fill out our online contact form today!